Sunday 24 February 2013

Recce Report

In order to make sure we found ideal locations for our horror trailer, we went on Recce's to the places we had in mind. They included a barn, a abandoned caravan and a old windmill.

The Barn:

I think this location would be ideal for the main part of the trailer, because it's large, empty, and has lots of dark corners and buildings where you feel like you're in a horror film anyway. It's also quite a way from the town so that we won't get too much background sound of cars/people etc. There are lots of opportunities for interesting camera angles and unusual shots in keeping with horror film norm.

The Caravan:

I think this location is ideal for the exorcism to take place as is has a very eerie film to it and the cobwebs and dust give a very disused look to it. Also, as its surrounded by woodland, we can have shots of Chris running through the trees.

The Windmill:

Although I don't think we'll shoot a lot here because it's so far away and you can't drive to it, it will be useful for a couple of shots because its the perfect location to be removed from people and inside it has lots of atmosphere.

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